Sustainment in Urban Operations
Urban Combat Service Support Operations: The Shoulders of Atlas, by Russell Glenn, Steven Hartman and Scott Gerwehr
“Soft Log and Concrete Canyons: Russian Urban Combat Logistics in Grozny,” by Mr. Lester W. Grau and Timothy L. Thomas, Marine Corps Gazette, October 1999
Civilians in the Urban Battlespace
Medical and Humanitarian Challenges in Urban Operations, by John P. Sullivan
“Reducing Civilian Harm in Urban Warfare: A Commander’s Handbook,” by the International Commission of the Red Cross
“International Humanitarian Law in Urban Warfare,” with Dr. Abby Zeith and Dr. Ruben Stewart of the ICRC, The Voices of War podcast series
Intelligence Preparation of the Urban Environment
Street Smart: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield for Urban Operations by Jamison Jo Medby and Russell W. Glenn
ATP 2-01.3 Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield – Chapter 7, Section II, pages 7-19 – 7-33, Urban Environments
Intelligence Support to Dense Urban Areas, by the MI Professional Bulletin, July-September 2016
Urban Terrain Building Types, Second Edition, Public Releasable Version, by Richard Ellefsen and David Fordyce
Blood and Concrete: 21st Century Conflict in Urban Centers and Megacities, A Small Wars Journal Anthology, by Dave Dilegge, Robert J. Bunker, John P. Sullivan and Alma Keshavarz (editors). Chapter 16 Intelligence Challenges in Urban Operations, by James Howcroft
“Assessing Urban Terrain Features for Dense Urban Environments,” by Dr. John Sullivan
Medical Support in Urban Operations
B-GL-322-007-FP/001 Unique Operations – Urban, Chapter 10, Annex B, pages 285-296, Canadian Armed Forces doctrinal publication
The Battle for Hue: Casualty and Disease Rates during Urban Warfare, by C.G. Blood and M.E. Anderson
“Capital Preservation: Preparing for Urban Operations in the Twenty-First Century Proceedings of the RAND Arroyo-TRADOC-MCWL-OSD Urban Operations Conference, March 22-23, 2000,” Appendix O, “The Urban Area During Support Missions Case Study: Mogadishu, Medical Support,” pages 453-539.
Medical and Humanitarian Challenges in Urban Operations, by John P. Sullivan.
Armor Support in Urban Operations
Breaking the Mold: Tanks in the Cities, by Kendall D. Gott, 2006
Armor Magazine, March-April 2006 (3 articles) “Armor in Urban Terrain: The Critical Enabler,” and “Task Force Iron Dukes Campaign for Najaf,” and “Sadr City: The Armor Pure Assault in Urban Terrain”
Blood and Concrete: 21st Century Conflict in Urban Centers and Megacities, A Small Wars Journal Anthology, by Dave Dilegge, Robert J. Bunker, John P. Sullivan and Alma Keshavarz (editors)
Urban Combat: Is the Mounted Force Prepared to Contribute? by Major Scott Kendrick
Players or Spectators? Heavy Force Doctrine for MOUT, by Major John R. Kennedy
Colossus on Main Street: Tactical Considerations of Heavy Armor and Future MOUT Doctrin, by Major Curtis A. Lapham
“Primer: AFV Situational Awareness,” by Jon Hawkes
Artillery Support in Urban Operations
Artillery in Urban Operations: Reflections on Experiences in Chechnya, by Major Richard D. Wallwork
Cannon Artillery in Future Large Scale Urban Combat – United States Field Artillery Association
Artillery Support in Urban Operations, by Captain Kevin Johnson, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
Glass Cannons from Grozny to Mariupol, by Alexander Grinberg, Modern War Institute
Aviation and Helicopters in Urban Operations
“Aviation and the Megacity,” pages 14-18, by Major Matthew G. Easley, Aviation Digest, January-March 2020
Attack Helicopter Operations in Urban Terrain, by Major Timothy A. Jones
Reconnaissance in Urban Operations
Honing the Keys to the City: Refining the United States Marine Corps Reconnaissance Force for Urban Ground Combat Operations, by Russell W. Glenn, Jamison Jo Medby, Scott Gerwehr, Frederick J. Gellert, Andrew O’Donnell, The RAND Corporation
TC 90-5 Training for Reconnaissance Troop and Below in Urban Operations
Information Operations and/or the Media in Urban Operations
Intermediate: “The Marawi crisis – Urban Conflict and Information Operations” by Charles Knight and Katya Theodorakis
Intermediate: Marawi and Beyond, The Joint Task Force Marawi Story – Truth Conquers, Armed Forces of the Philippines Operations Research Center
Advanced: The Realities of War: Recognising and Planning for the Decisive Role of Media on the Urban Battlefield, by Charles Knight and Ji Li, International Society for Military Ethics in Europe Occasional Paper
Megacities (Cities with >10 Million inhabitants)
Megacities and the United States Army: Preparing for a complex and uncertain future. CSA SSG
So You Think the Army Can Avoid Fighting in Megacities, by John Spencer and John Amble
What an Army Megacities Unit Would Look Like, by John Spencer
Military Operations in Megacities: A Linguistic Perspective, by Jeff R. Watson
Future Megacity Operations – Lessons from Sadr City, by Major Christopher O. Bowers, U.S. Army, Military Review, May-June 2015
Regionally Aligned Forces and Megacities, by Major John D. Thomason II
Military Contingencies in Megacities and Sub-Megacities, by Dr. Phil Williams and Mr. Werner Selle, United States Army War College Press
“Aviation and the Megacity,” pages 14-18, by Major Matthew G. Easley, Aviation Digest, January-March 2020
Megacities and the US Army. William Adamson
Blood and Concrete: 21st Century Conflict in Urban Centers and Megacities, A Small Wars Journal Anthology, by Dave Dilegge, Robert J. Bunker, John P. Sullivan and Alma Keshavarz (editors). Recommended chapters to read:
Foreword by John Spencer
Chapter 16 Intelligence Challenges in Urban Operations, by James Howcroft
Chapter 17 Employing Armor Against the Islamic State: The Inevitable Urban Combined Arms Fight, by Dennis A. Lowe
Postscript by Rita Konaev